Belknap Snowmobilers Club Lakes Region NH

Welcome to the Belknap Snowmobilers!

Presidents Message

Belknap Snowmobilers Club NH

The Belknap Snowmobilers is a non-profit, central New Hampshire snowmobile club located in the scenic Lakes Region.  With over 600 members, the club grooms two separate sections of moderate-sized local trails and long-distance state corridors primarily in the Gilford and Laconia areas.  Being located in a vacation area, many businesses depend on snowmobilers for much of their winter economy. With this in mind, we do our best to groom trails every night and update our trail conditions every day on this web site.

The State of New Hampshire registers approximately 60,000 snowmobiles each year. More than 115 New Hampshire snowmobile clubs jointly groom over 6,830 miles of official trails extending from the Massachusetts border to Canada.  Access to the majority of these trails are due to the generosity and trust of private landowners.


©2015 - Belknap Snowmobilers Inc. Managed by The Chalifour Design Group, LLC
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